Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New books/materials lists updated

The library's Web site now has updated new book/materials lists available again. You'll see the link on the left-hand side menu bar to "New Materials Lists." There is also a link in the "About the Library" section.

New book/materials lists are created at the end of every month. We had a hardware failure that prevented us from being able to transfer the new book data for a few months, but we managed to overcome that problem recently.

Print copies of the new book/materials lists are always available in the Acquisitions Department.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mergent Online database access restored

The library just restored access to Mergent Online, a business database that was dropped this last summer in favor of Morningstar Library Edition, at the request of the School of Business. This decision was made based partly on the concern over the growing subscription fees for Mergent Online, and we wanted to move to a product that would be more stable, in terms of price, while still offering the content needed for business research on campus.

However, Mergent came to us and offered to restore our access for a much lower subscription cost, which would be grandfathered in so that we would be paying the same fee in subsequent years as well! Since we had liked the content on Mergent, and had dropped the subscription only over price concerns, we jumped at the offer, after consultation with the School of Business.

Mergent Online is now back, and is available at Right now, access is available only on campus, but we're working on getting our login/password access back.

Mergent offers coverage on U.S. and international companies, including annual reports, earnings estimates, equity pricing, institutional holdings, industry reports, and more.

PsycARTICLES added

The library just added the PsycARTICLES database. PsycARTICLES is produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), and is a full-text companion to the PsycInfo database that the library has offered for many years.

PsycARTICLES contains the full text from APA journals. Most journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1. The earliest journal is Pyschological Review, which was started in 1894. For a complete list of journal titles included in this database, check

PsycARTICLES is offered in the EbscoHost interface, which is right where you'll find PsycInfo as well. Access is available off-campus as well.

Please let us know what you think of the new database!

New database--MathSciNet

The library has recently added the MathSciNet database. MathSciNet is produced by the American Mathematical Society and is available only on campus. On-campus access is also available at the Buffalo Center at the SBU computer lab in the wing of McGrath Library, or via campus dial-up.

To use the new database from a campus computer, go to

This database was added at the request of the mathematics faculty. When we checked into the pricing with our consortial partners, we found that we could add it for a nominal amount of money. We're very glad to be able to offer this database, and look forward to your comments!